Contact Us

Our clinic operates Monday - Friday 9am-5pm however physicians schedules vary. Please see below for specific physician schedules.

Phone Number: 604-939-9251

Address: #107-301 East Columbia Street New Westminster BC V3L 3W5


Physician Schedules

Note: all days and time are subject to physician availability and are subject to change.

Dr. Pamil Malhi - Monday 8:30am -4:40pm Tuesday 8am-4:40pm Wednesday 8:30a,-4:40pm Thursday 8:30am-3:00pm Friday 8am -5pm

Dr. Michelle Birch - Tuesday 9am - 3 pm, Wednesday 9am- 3 pm, Thursday 9am - 3 pm, Friday 9am - 3 pm

Dr. Trung Binh Hoang - Monday 9am - 4 pm, Tuesday off, Wednesday 8:30am - 11:30 am, Thursday 9am - 4 pm, Friday 9am to 12 noon